Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Working out & working through

I didn't work out yesterday, and let me tell you, I felt like a complete bum for not doing so. Sunday night was a long one and I didn't get to bed til after 1am, so I slept in. I don't like working out when the kids are up because it's so distracting, so I thought I would work out last night. Well, David starting running a fever around 5:30 or 6:00, so I spent the night snuggling with him and a workout never happened. I got up this morning though, and I went at it. I rode the elliptical for 20 minutes, did an ab workout, lifted a little bit, and then rode the elliptical again. Needless to say, I'm tired, but in a good way.

Last night I went to the store to pick up some Suda-Fed, because we're all being plagued by our allergies. When I got home, David was curled up in a chair with Carlo. He stayed there for a few minutes and then came and got in my lap. The first thing I noticed was that he was hot. I grabbed the thermometer and sure enough, his temp was 102.2. He fell asleep in my lap for about an hour and the Carlo carried him upstairs. When I checked his temp again it was 101.2. By 10pm he was down to 100.3. The beauty of all this was that the only medicine he'd taken was Suda-Fed. I didn't have any Tylenol or Motrin in the house so I just let him sleep and prayed, and waited to see what would happen. That's what was done in days before all the drugs we have, right? Well, his little body fought and his fever broke, and now he's good as new. Thank you Lord for touching David's body and restoring him as he slept!

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