Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vacation x2

Our weekend was great. We chilled at a hotel and did a whole lot of nothing. We swam, we ate, went to the state museum, swam some more, ate some more, slept, went to the mall & the movies, and capped it off with a great service on Sunday with some wonderful friends and partners in ministry at Life Assembly in Mt. Juliet. We had lunch with our friends Jonnie & Curry Wethington before heading home. Great weekend. The best part? We came home to 7 more days of vacation!!! We weren't done & getting back into the grind, we had one more week of it. Yesterday we chilled at home and then went to the library, I'm rediscovering Agatha Christie, (thank you God for kids who love to read). Today will probably be more of the chill at home action. It's looking like rain, so we'll see if the weather dampens any of our plans. I love knowing that there is nothing to do at the moment. I'm going to enjoy a cuppa tea.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Today officially starts nine days of Serrano Family do-nothingness, or vacation as it's more commonly known. I'm excited. We're going to get away for a few days, and then hang out at home doing stuff. The boys are crazy excited, mainly because they don't know what we're doing. It should be great. We're planning to go to a great church in the area and then have lunch with some good friends. We're hoping to connect with another MC family for a day...lots of fun and memories to be made. I plan on taking lots of pictures over the next week and a half. Can't wait, can't wait.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good Laughs

I found a website yesterday that cracked me up. My kids thought I was crazy and I cried I don't know how many times. What could this website be you ask? Well technically it's not a website, but a blog. Yep, I found a blog that had me rolling. The blog is called, Cake Wrecks, and is dedicated to high-lighting confectionery disasters people have paid for. I'm not talking about ugly cakes, but cakes that never should have left the paper design, cakes that the decorator (or wreckorator as they are called in the blog) should have known better than to attempt. Now this isn't just a snarky little blog that puts down the creations of others. People willing send in their creations with stories attached to them. The blog has also been nominated for and won quite a few awards. Jen, the blogger, does her best to keep the blog as family friendly as possible, so comments full of profanity are deleted. She doesn't accept lewd or pornographic pictures, but if there are any cakes of a questionable nature she is always quick to let people know before the picture is displayed. So, if you're looking for a good laugh at work, home, or wherever, try here. Just don't do it on Sundays because Jen showcases cakes that are sublime and in no way considered a Cake Wreck.

To check out the blog, click here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Working out & working through

I didn't work out yesterday, and let me tell you, I felt like a complete bum for not doing so. Sunday night was a long one and I didn't get to bed til after 1am, so I slept in. I don't like working out when the kids are up because it's so distracting, so I thought I would work out last night. Well, David starting running a fever around 5:30 or 6:00, so I spent the night snuggling with him and a workout never happened. I got up this morning though, and I went at it. I rode the elliptical for 20 minutes, did an ab workout, lifted a little bit, and then rode the elliptical again. Needless to say, I'm tired, but in a good way.

Last night I went to the store to pick up some Suda-Fed, because we're all being plagued by our allergies. When I got home, David was curled up in a chair with Carlo. He stayed there for a few minutes and then came and got in my lap. The first thing I noticed was that he was hot. I grabbed the thermometer and sure enough, his temp was 102.2. He fell asleep in my lap for about an hour and the Carlo carried him upstairs. When I checked his temp again it was 101.2. By 10pm he was down to 100.3. The beauty of all this was that the only medicine he'd taken was Suda-Fed. I didn't have any Tylenol or Motrin in the house so I just let him sleep and prayed, and waited to see what would happen. That's what was done in days before all the drugs we have, right? Well, his little body fought and his fever broke, and now he's good as new. Thank you Lord for touching David's body and restoring him as he slept!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Complacency = Death

I had a conversation with my mom about self-motivation yesterday. I was telling her how I've wanted to start working out again and get back into some sense of shape, but have lacked the motivation. While waiting for students to show up for summer school today I thought about lack of vision and complacency. I realized that my lack of motivation was really my being complacent. I know I wasn't content with my weight & body shape, so why wasn't I motivated to work-out? Lack of vision! I couldn't see 2 weeks down the road when riding the elliptical would get easier or 2 months later when I'd start to see some definition in my arms and notice that my clothes were fitting looser. Once I started seeing those things, I realized that I could work-out every morning and right now I'm motivated to do so. Lord help me keep my motivation!

We need vision in our lives. Why work to graduate high school if you don't see yourself going on to college? Just drop out at 16. Why graduate from college if you don't see yourself moving onto a career and impacting the world in someway? Just quit high school at 16. Why read your Bible, pray, tell people about Jesus, take the time to disciple someone if you aren't anxiously waiting for Him to come back and call us home to glory? Quit doing all these things and let yourself and countless others die and go to Hell. This last one sounds extreme doesn't it? In my opinion no more so than the first two. While the first 2 seem a little far-fetched, when you think about it, that's what lack of vision does. When we allow ourselves to get complacent we lose vision. When we lose vision we quit moving forward. We stand still and stagnate. When something becomes stagnant (like water) it can become poisonous and we all know what poisonous things do to us. They = death. Are you moving forward?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tis the Season

As I move into the 2nd half of July and 2009 (can you believe that?) I also move into an extensive birthday season with my extended family. From the end of July until mid-Feb there are at least 2 birthdays a month with a break until May. So let's run trough the list shall we?
July: 7th - My sister Dani, 31st - My niece Arielle
August: 13th - My niece Aubree will be 1!! 17th - My sis-in-law Steph will turn 21
September (otherwise known as "The Motherload"): 8th - Me & my Aunt Dorothy, 12th - my sister Carol, 17th - Tony (he'll be 10!!), 24th - Carlo & I celebrate 11 years of marriage, 27th - my bro-in-law Eddie, 30th - my niece Alyssa Johnson
October: 5th - Carlo (he'll be 30, give him a hard time about it, please), 12th - my nephew Jalen (Ashlei still owes me $5 for winning the pool on the day he would be born)
November: 4th - my niece Ariana, 12th - my grandmother, 14th(?) - my niece Erynn, 27th - my mother-in-law
December: 9th - my sis-in-law Sylvia, 31st - my bro Kenny
January: 28th - David will be 5!!
February: 14th - my mom (her b-day & Valentine's Day are two separate occasions), 15th - my nephew Aaron
So what does this say about my family? My brothers and sisters love vowels a little too much, that's what!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Truly Random Thoughts

This is my first ever list-post of truly random thoughts I've had or been having:
  • Have you ever noticed that if big-rig truckers have any kind of sticker or support something on their rigs they are like "It's not a choice, it's a child." or "Freedom isn't Free." or "These colors don't run?" If they outwardly show support for something it usually has a kind of God & Country type theme to it. Next time you're on the road, see how many you can find.
  • Today Tony leaves for camp. Next summer he'll start going to Youth Group.
  • Don't tell anyone, but when I think about the above, I feel old.
  • Started working out today. I did a personal best on the elliptical plus some abs and light weights for toning on my arms.
  • Having an iPod when I work out helps so much.
That's all for now...I think.