Monday, July 28, 2008

Gettin' my dork on

I've loved anime (Japanese animation for those who don't know) for as long as I can remember.  I've watched since I was a kid, and had a great friend in high school who got a job with the sole purpose of being able to buy anime and manga (Japanese comic books).  He turned me onto watching in Japanese with English subtitles. This is the method I prefer, but have managed to deal when watching adult swim on Cartoon Network. This weekend I spent much of my time on YouTube watching "Bleach." I think the show is hilarious and action-packed. I'm hoping to get caught up with the show (there's like 180-something episodes released so far), and then continue to follow with the postings that people are able to put up.

So, now you all know my secret...I love anime & I'm not afraid to say it.

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