Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's Been Nice

It's been a nice weekend. Thursday we celebrated David's 5th birthday, and had all of yesterday off. School was officially canceled because of the winter storm headed our way, but Carlo made the executive decision that the boys weren't going long before the announcement was made they didn't have school. This made for a great Friday. The boys were able to sleep late, and then enjoy a lazy morning playing together.

The snow didn't get started until late morning, but once it started there was a constant stream of white stuff falling from the sky. I spent the day doing nothing! I did get dressed and stuff, but beyond that I did nothing. It has been a long 2 two weeks with extremely early mornings and not enough sleep, so I took the day to enjoy not being responsible to do anything. Today, I will take up the mantle of responsibility and do laundry and stuff, but it was nice to do nothing yesterday.

Here's to snow days and being able to enjoy them as an adult!! :0)

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