Sunday, August 3, 2008


So I've been reading In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day, by Mark Batterson ( My husband has blogged with about this book a couple of different times and how his life has been impacted by it. Well, my life and my outlook on life is changing because of this book. In a very general nutshell, Batterson equates lions with opportunities presented to us by God, and we can do 1 of two things. We can 1) be like Beniah and jump in the pit and face the lion, or 2) be a punk and run away and lose the opportunity that God has given you.
I personally believe God put a lion in my path today, and I think I got in the pit with that sucker. It's nothing big like a drastic career change or a divine call to something new. It was just sharing my testimony with someone who probably needed to hear it. I know sharing my testimony doesn't seem big, for me it was. It was a one on one sharing of major events in my life to one of the most unreceptive audiences in the world, (in my opinion), an American teenager. I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit uses something I said to impact this person's life and hopefully they will be able to change and allow God to work in his life.
I challenge you to look read the book if you haven't read it and to be on the look out for the lions God puts in your path and get in that pit and win. You never know when your lion will become an elephant.

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