Summer school stared this week and I must say that I'll be glad when the next 5 weeks are done. I've got great students, but there are outside factors that are making this hard for me. I would say the hardest thing is knowing that before we are done I'll be meeting my replacement and have to turn some very hard work over to a stranger and hope that as they make the classroom theirs, my work won't be consigned to the recycle bin.
It's nice to get April back as my friend and not just a Master's student. There will be time enough for that come August. I'm looking forward to having her around as a second year when we start back up. Right now we have 3 female applicants for first year. This will be a big change since last year April was it and my time was spent teaching and taking care of the kids. My husband will have Craig and DayDay who will laugh at Office quotes and devour 24 during lunch and I;ll have April to roll eyes with and remember what it was like heading to Austin or Gatlinburg, or Chatanooga for Fine Arts.
So I think I've emptied the craziest, loudest voices bouncing around my head, time to spend some time with Robert Jordan's Fires of Heaven. If you are into Sci/Fi Fantasy novels, the Wheel of Time Series is excellent. Think LOTR but more. Mr. Jordan died before finishing the 12th book in the series, but was able to relate the rest of the story arc to his wife and cousin before he died, so hopefully the book will be out soon. R.J. also wrote the Conan books that helped make Arnold Schwarzenegger famous. Time to get lost.
See ya on the flip side!!!
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