Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's Been Nice

It's been a nice weekend. Thursday we celebrated David's 5th birthday, and had all of yesterday off. School was officially canceled because of the winter storm headed our way, but Carlo made the executive decision that the boys weren't going long before the announcement was made they didn't have school. This made for a great Friday. The boys were able to sleep late, and then enjoy a lazy morning playing together.

The snow didn't get started until late morning, but once it started there was a constant stream of white stuff falling from the sky. I spent the day doing nothing! I did get dressed and stuff, but beyond that I did nothing. It has been a long 2 two weeks with extremely early mornings and not enough sleep, so I took the day to enjoy not being responsible to do anything. Today, I will take up the mantle of responsibility and do laundry and stuff, but it was nice to do nothing yesterday.

Here's to snow days and being able to enjoy them as an adult!! :0)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Baby Boy

Today is our David Elijah's 5th birthday. I never thought I'd see today come, and yet it has come too soon. David is our precious promise from God, and it is wondrous to see him grow up.

We say he is our promise, because he is just that. In March of 2003 we lost twin girls. The doctor told us that it would probably be best that we not try to have anymore kids because we could experience a similar loss with more devastating effects to my body. One month later we were told that we could possibly try again, but we would have to be monitored very closely to ensure that my liver was doing fine. Knowing my husband, I figured the risk would be too great in his mind and started preparing myself to have only one child, our miracle, Tony.

Well, God had different plans. About 3 months after Carlo got home from Iraq I received a word from the Lord. He told me that He was going to give me the desire of my heart and that there would be no pain or heartache, only joy and peace. This was a big deal for me because I knew what the desire of my heart was. About a week later I found out I was pregnant. When I shared this with the woman at our church who had given me the Word, she said to me, "His name is David." How do you argue with that?

After nine months of a hassle-free pregnancy, but nearly 21 hour labor, David Elijah Serrano was born at 6:59am on January 28, 2005. He was beautiful and perfect and dearly loved by so many people. I'll never forget my first words after he was laid on my chest, "Carlo he doesn't look like Tony!" And he doesn't resemble his brother in any other way. He is mischievous, flippant, tender, arrogant, witty, creative, stubborn, and so many other things. The best thing? He's mine!! 'Nuff said.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The New Normal

I can't believe it's 2010. Where did like the last 6 months go? So much has gone on in our lives it's crazy. We'll skip the usual stuff like the holidays. I think I'd rather not relive them anyway.

I think the biggest changes for us are 1)I started working full-time outside the home & the Master's Commission world, 2)Carlo has had a set-back of sorts medically, and 3)I now have two jobs.

So, how does this come about? Easy. 2 years ago I was the Supervisor in the Middle/High School class of our church's school. Towards the end of the year, I felt the Lord calling me to work full-time with Carlo and Master's Commission. So I spent last year having a blast pouring into the lives of 4 young adults. I mean I woke up every morning excited about what might come that day. It was great. Well, we've put our program on hold until this fall, so I haven't been doing a lot dealing with Master's. Around Thanksgiving, the new teacher for my old class left the school and there really wasn't anyone to fill the position. So me being me, I volunteered to fill in for the rest of the year. So there you have it, Job #1.

People who know us know that Carlo spent 5 years serving our country in the United States Army. He spent a year in Iraq. When he came home he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. This lead to his being medically discharged from the Army and cleared him from any further military service meaning he could never be reactivated and called to duty. Big plus for us knowing he couldn't get deployed again. Well, about 3 months after he was discharged, we got some great news from the doctors and Carlo went about 5 years with no meds and no issues. Well, right around the start of the holiday season Carlo had to go back on his meds plus some additional ones. I am believing and many other are as well, that God is going to completely heal my husband, and we won't have to deal with these medical issues anymore. Please continue to pray for a total and complete healing in Carlo's body!

So you probably just want to know how and why I'm working 2 jobs right? Yeah, I know you aren't but hey, it was worth a try. It's simple. At Christmas I had someone say to me, "We could have used you at work today!" I thought that was cool and was then "pitched' a job for about 30 min. The cool thing about the job? I would have to do stuff I love to do (paperwork, organizing, coordinating, all that kind of "officey" type stuff). Not only that, but once I learned the systems and got used to the job I would be able to do like 75% of my stuff from a mobile office type setting! This is a major score because I wouldn't have to cut back on Master's Commission when it starts in the fall! Why don't I just do the job doing stuff I love and not do the school thing? Again, if yo know me, you know I can't just turn my back on a commitment and leave 6 teenagers hanging, so I've had to make some modifications in my schedule.

So, on Tuesday, the Serrano Family will start adjusting to the new "normal" in our life. I'll work 3 days a week at school and 2 days I'll be a KOP (Key Office Personnel) for some really cool people doing some things I really love to do.

This was long, but you're caught up for now. I'm definitely going to try to do better this year with blogging more frequently. I always have a lot to say, I just don't always get around to getting the thoughts out of my head. I probably wouldn't talk to myself as much if I did blog more.

That's a thought...