Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm Just Plain Tired

of people and their passive/aggressive nonsense.

This last week I've really been evaluating my life and come to see there are some things about me I don't like. I've been praying about these issues and asked God to really help me to change these things and move forward in my relationship with Him.

Lord help me to love like you!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Enough is enough

I am absolutely tired of people saying that people are racists or "haters" if they have any criticism at all of President Obama!! It is ridiculous, that people who live in this country can't have an opinion. I thought that was what the 1st Amendment was for? I mean sure, some people are ignorant and racist, or don't know doodly-squat, but so what, they live in this country, so they have the right to say what they like. My grandfather, mother, father, brother, husband, and countless other family members have served in our Armed Forces to insure that everyone has right to state their opinion. Just because I don't agree with you or what you believe doesn't make me an evil person. If that were the case I could say that most people of color that I know who blindly and doggedly support our president are guilty of being prejudiced as well. To take the view that I am a racist or "hater" because I want to know why the man won an award for doing nothing, or speaking out against policy changes he wants to make that are morally and biblically wrong, is not a bad thing. It makes me an individual and an American citizen who is exercising my rights as a citizen by speaking my mind. You are allowed to do the same thing. I may think a person is an idiot or a moron because of some of the views they have, but I don't call them that or make a blanket statement that all people who feel differently than me are stupid, or racist, or bigots, or anything else. Please respect me and the countless other people who don't like what our president stands for NOT the color of his skin.

Rant over, I now return you to your regularly scheduled life.