Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Tonight history was made.  For the first time, America elected a black man as president of this country.  

While I may not agree with or support anything this man stands for, it is very moving to see a black man be called "President-elect" or "Mr. President" and it not be on t.v. or a movie.

I know so many people who are disappointed, or mad or whatever that John McCain didn't win the election.  I personally didn't vote for Barack Obama, but I can't help but echo my friend Israel in saying that maybe this is the kick in the rear Christians need to really start praying for our country instead of just paying it lip-service.  Something we must never forget is that God is in control, and nothing EVER takes Him by surprise.  He knows what He's doing, even when we don't.

So, I may not be particularly happy about the next leader of this country that I love, but I am putting my trust and dependence in the Leader I know has only  my best interest at heart.  The Leader who will "never leave nor forsake me."  The Leader who will be there for me no matter what.  The Leader who promises me that while "the sorrows may last through the night, His joy comes with the morning."  I'm not saying that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are going to bring us 4 years of sorrows or darkness, but I am saying that as long as I have faith in and depend on my God, I am safe and secure.

I encourage those of you who are believers to have that same faith in God, and invite those of you who aren't believers to place your trust in Him, and allow Him to give you that peace that passes all understanding.